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Avoid a Holiday DUI Arrest

Holiday drinking celebrations

The holiday season is meant to be a time for joy and merriment, but the celebrations also lead to increased DUI incidents. Law enforcement is more vigilant this time of the year than any other about making DUI arrests, and those convicted may have to pay hefty consequences, ruining the holiday festivities.

Sobering Holiday Drinking and Driving Facts

Statistics prove that you are at the greatest risk of a DUI accident during the holidays. This begins on Thanksgiving Eve, which you may also know as Drinksgiving or Black Wednesday, and goes until New Year’s Day.

The National Traffic Highway Safety Administration estimates that from 2013 to 2017, over 800 family members died in DUI accidents over the Thanksgiving period, making it one of the deadliest holidays of the year. According to the National Institution of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 40% of traffic deaths between Christmas and New Year's are DUI-related, compared to 28% during the rest of December.

The best way for drivers across Virginia to stay safe and avoid making a DUI mistake is to choose a designated driver or rely on rideshare options, such as Lyft and Uber. Having a safe way home is essential. If you are driving, make sure you know your limits, drink less, and give yourself time to recover before getting behind the wheel.

Fighting Your Holiday DUI Conviction

A DUI arrest can ruin the holidays, but you can avoid getting into this situation by following these steps. Even with drivers following these precautions, they still may be pulled over and charged with a DUI. If you’re facing a conviction this holiday season, it’s imperative that you obtain an experienced attorney dedicated to fighting your case. This does not have to affect your holidays or your future.

Tillotson & Martin, LLC is respected throughout Virginia by prosecutors and judges for their unique approach, knowledge, and experience regarding DUI law. Our team will work tirelessly to work toward a favorable outcome.

Our Coastal Virginia DUI lawyers are ready to help you with your case. Start your defense today and call us at (757) 568-7978 for a free consultation.
